Aaron Shanahan

How long have you been building with LEGO? How long have you been creating MOCs?
I played with Lego a lot as a kid and “grew out” of the hobby at about 13 and then rediscovered it as an adult about 8 years ago. I have always been into creating MOCs, even as a child. I remember building sets and playing with them for a couple of days and then taking them apart to build something new.
What made you interested in LEGO?
My interest in LEGO comes from my love to build things and LEGO gives your imagination, engineering skills, and problem solving skills a work out!
What creation of yours are you most proud of?
I would have to say either my Bag End MOC or my Modern Home MOC. Both took me somewhat out of my comfort zone and required a lot of time and planning.
What are your favorite creations to build and why?
As an AFOL I started out building a lot of Medieval era MOCs because that was one of my favorite themes as a kid and I love medieval fantasy but as I build more I have come to really enjoy building mosaics, microscale builds, modern buildings and more. Being able to take some time for myself to step away from the real world and get lost in my own imagination is my favorite part of creating with LEGO.
What was your favorite part about Brick Days?
My favorite things about Brick Days is connecting with other AFOLs, chatting with event patrons, and seeing all of the amazing MOCs. It’s a wonderful event that I look forward to every year!